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FAIRE 2023

The next generation!

Collectif Etc, Cuesta

Workshops to co-design and co-create public spaces in collaboration with local young people and teenagers.

Workshops to co-design and co-create public spaces in collaboration with local young people and teenagers.

Much has been written about the alleged rift between youth and society, particularly in working-class neighborhoods. Recent urban uprisings and the traces left in the public space indicate that something is expressing this disconnect in this area, the extent of which does not seem to have been taken into account. How can public space and its transformations be a pretext for inventing a new place for young adolescents? How can they make these spaces their own, so that they are perceived as hospitable and meaningful places?
We propose to accompany the transformation of public spaces with living worksites and a cultural urban planning approach. The aim is to turn urban transformation into an educational opportunity by raising awareness of ecological issues (resources, reuse, channels), a lever for integration for young people who have dropped out of school, and the heart of a shared artistic approach. These times of co-creation and co-production are a way for young people to become actors in the representations and transformations that concern them, to stage and narrate their desires and fears, and to project themselves collectively into a more desirable future.
Our team brings together a wide range of skills in art, citizen participation, design and architecture to create field experiments in close proximity to users. Live worksites and participatory artistic approaches unite groups around shared sites, notably in Seine Saint-Denis, to reinvent imaginary worlds and uses, and influence political decisions.
Collectif Etc has been operating as a cooperative of artisan architects since 2010. Our aim is to support initiatives that bring about social and environmental change through the act of making. In France and Europe, we are testing the hypothesis of frugal and generous architecture, as ways out of an energy-intensive and pyramidal way of producing space.
Cuesta is a cultural urban planning cooperative founded in 2015, based in Rennes and Paris. we mobilize the artistic as a modus operandi to act in the field of territories and societies. We intervene on issues of mastery of use, prefiguration, consultation, programming and territorial strategy by setting up contextualized and contributory artistic approaches with inhabitants, users and stakeholders. Our aim is to create lasting, structuring effects on the enhancement of territories, sociability and public policies.